FOTO/ Djema, po vijnë pastrueset seksi: 270 euro për pastrim nudo, 900...

FOTO/ Djema, po vijnë pastrueset seksi: 270 euro për pastrim nudo, 900 euro për…


Në kohë krize njerëzit mendojnë mënyra nga më të çuditshmet për të fituar para. The Sun shkruan se një agjenci në Londër ka një mënyrë mjaft të sofistikuar për tënxjerrë para.

Janë pastrueset seksi.

Nëse doni një femër që t’iu pastrojë shtëpinë e veshur me të brendshme dhe ju të shijoni pamjen, kushton 135 euro në orë.

Nëse doni që ajo të pastrojë nudo, kjo kushton 270 euro.

Nëse kësaj i shtoni edhe seks, atëherë do t’iu kushtojë plotë 900 euro.

Kjo “risi” vjen vetëm pak kohë pasi në Londër u hap lokali i parë i nudistëve.


Picture shows : A newly opened Nikon camera store hired young women dressed in bikinis for cleaning their windows A newly opened Chinese camera store showed rivals a clean pair of heels by hiring young women dressed in bikinis to tidy up for when the press arrived. The new Nikon camera store which opened recently in Taiyuan City, in north China's Shanxi Province quickly attracted a large crowd to its unorthodox opening ceremony in which the young scantily clad women cleaned up to make sure everything was looking good for the first day of business. Store manager Jin Yeh said: "I wanted the store to look clean and fresh to make a good opening on our first batch of customers and for the media. But of course we are a camera shop and photographers like to have good things to photograph, so I wanted to have some models here as well to pose for them. "From that point, it was a simple matter to decide to combine the two, I had the shop cleaned up, pretty girls for amateur photographers to photograph and also something good for the press to get me some good publicity. And all in all, I have to say it worked out really well." And he rejected critics who said it was insulting to women saying: "I don't see why, somebody needs to clean the place and photographers don't want to photograph people wearing cleaning overalls. So where exactly is the problem?" He said the event was so popular that he now plans to make it a regular one with classes in model photography for customers looking to buy a new lens.



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