Eksperti gjerman Martin Henze thotë se treshja Edi Rama, Lulzim Basha dhe Erion Veliaj kontrollohen nga shërbimet sekrete si FSB, GRU, SËR apo dhe BIA.
Henze shkruan në twitter se, këto shërbime sekrete dinë se ku i kanë paratë Rama, Basha dhe Veliaj.
FSB,GRU,SWR,BIA have Rama,Veliaj,Basha under control, they know where they have hidden their money, which means they swallow and which preferences they have for women and men. The alliance with Vucic and Putin has the goal of maintaining their power and subjugating the Albanians. pic.twitter.com/K7XKqOwvdQ
— Martin Henze (@GSKStrategy) March 20, 2022
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