‘Varreza’ me jelekë shpëtimi për vuajtjet e emigrantëve

‘Varreza’ me jelekë shpëtimi për vuajtjet e emigrantëve


Disa jelekë shpëtimi janë vendosur përpara Parlamentit në Londër të Britanisë. Kjo ndërkohë që liderët botërorë po organizojnë Samitin e Kombeve të Bashkuara në lidhje me çështjen e emigrantëve. Këto jelekë shpëtimi janë vendosur në një park si rikujtesë e vuajtejve dhe rrezikut që qindra mijëra refugjatë kanë përjetuar.

epaselect epa05547647 Life jackets worn by fleeing refugees lie in Parliament Square in London, Britain, 19 September. Thousands of life-jackets were laid out in Parliament Square to highlight the need to protect refugees and migrants. The jackets serve as a visual reminder of the suffering and risks hundreds of thousands of refugees have endured. World leaders are meeting at the United Nations Migration summit in New York these days. EPA/ANDY RAIN


epa05547799 An unidentifed woman looks at life jackets worn by fleeing refugees in Parliament Square in London, Britain, 19 September 2016. Thousands of life-jackets were laid out in Parliament Square to highlight the need to protect refugees and migrants. The jackets serve as a visual reminder of the suffering and risks hundreds of thousands of refugees have endured. World leaders are meeting at the United Nations Migration summit in New York these days. EPA/ANDY RAIN


epa05547681 Life jackets worn by fleeing refugees lie in Parliament Square in London, Britain, 19 September 2016. Thousands of life-jackets were laid out in Parliament Square to highlight the need to protect refugees and migrants. The jackets serve as a visual reminder of the suffering and risks hundreds of thousands of refugees have endured. World leaders are meeting at the United Nations Migration summit in New York these days. EPA/ANDY RAIN


epa05547679 A young boy walks through thousands of life jackets worn by fleeing refugees in Parliament Square in London, Britain, 19 September 2016. Thousands of life-jackets were laid out in Parliament Square to highlight the need to protect refugees and migrants. The jackets serve as a visual reminder of the suffering and risks hundreds of thousands of refugees have endured. World leaders are meeting at the United Nations Migration summit in New York these days. EPA/ANDY RAIN

Foto: EPA/ANDY RAIN /oranews/


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