Ish kryeministri Berisha dha sot një konferencë për mediat në Tiranë në lidhje me raportet e tij të tensionuara me DASH.
Më poshtë është deklarata e tij e plotë në konferencë:
Avokati Jean Yve Le Borgne ka dorezuar padine time per shpifje ne gjykaten e Parisit.
Ketu me poshte keni njoftimin e shtypit ne shqip dhe anglisht!
Njoftim shtypi!
Avokati im Jean Yves Le Borge ka dorezuar padine time per shpifje ne gjykaten korreksionale te Parisit.
Siç ju kam njoftuar me pare se, pas vendimit te Sekretarit te Shtetit, Antiony Blinken per te shpallur non grata mua, bashkeshorten dhe dy femijet e mi, bazuar ne keqinformimin nga lobimi korruptiv hakmarres te Edi Rames dhe mikut e mbrojtesit te tij multimiliardierit George Soros, une autorizova avokatin tim ne France zotin Jean Yves Le Borgne te ngreje padi per shpifje ndaj Sekretarit te Shtetit, Blinken ne gjykaten korreksionale te Parisit.
Javen qe kaloi avokati Jean Yve Le Borgne ka dorezuar kete padi prane kesaj gjykate. Sipas avokatit tim kjo padi ne gjykate per shpifje bazohet ne precedente te meparshme te ngjashme dhe ne parimin universal se per shpifjen nuk ka imunitet sepse ajo nuk hyn ne funksione zyrtare dhe per rrjedhoje imuniteti ne rastin e shpifjes nuk mund te perdoret si mburoje. Padia ime bazohet dhe ne parimin tjeter universal sipas te cilit shpifja ne internet denohet kudo ku del lajmi, pra ku ndodh demi. Vetkuptohet gjithçka varet nga interpretimi i gjykatesit qe do gjykoje çeshtjen.
Me kete rast i bej thirrje sekretarit Blinken, ne emer te transparences te dergoje prane kesaj gjykate cdo fakt, dokument dhe prove qe ai apo cdo kush tjeter ne bote disponon kunder Sali Berishes dhe familjareve te tij.
Zonja dhe Zoterinj,
Me kete rast gjithashtu desheroj tju informoj sa vijon:
Se pari se, sot, pas 77 vitesh jete, kjo eshte hera e pare qe une i drejtohem nje gjykate dhe kurre ndonje here nuk kisha imagjinuar se une do detyrohesha te ngreja padi ndaj Sekretarit te Shtetit te SHBA, te nje vendi qe une admiroj kaq shume.
Se dyti, me kete padi une kerkoj te mbroj dinjitetin tim, te familjes time dhe te te gjithe shqiptareve qe une gjate 30 viteve karriere politike i kam perfaqesuar me dinjitet.
Pra kjo padi eshte nje beteje per dinjitet njerezor i cili eshte nje vlere e shenjte per mua dhe cdo njeri te lire.
Se treti, me kete padi kerkoj te bej transparence te plote para shqiptareve qe ne 30 vite me kane votuar me shume se cilindo tjeter ne kete vend dhe para miqve te mi, te shumte ne Shqiperi dhe kudo ne bote, dhe te provoj se ky vendimi eshte fund e krye politik dhe pa asnje baze, pra eshte sine materia.
Karakterin politik te ketij vendimi e provon dhe fakti se me gjithe kerkesen paraqitur ne letren time te dates 19 maj 2021 drejtuar sekretarit Blinken per te bere publike cdo fakt, dokument, prove qe ai disponon por edhe kerkesave te mediave, qe te faktoje akuzat ndaj meje dhe familjareve te mi, gjer sot nuk eshte paraqitur as dhe nje e vetme e tille per shkakun e vetem se ato nuk ekzistojne.
Me dt 22 maj zedhenesi i departamentit te shtetit i ka deklaruar nje gazete shqiptare se burimet e informacionit mbi te cilat eshte bazuar vendimi i Sekretarit Blinken kane qene raportet e NGO, lokale, rajonale, nderkombetare (te gjitha te sponsorizura nga George Soros shenim i im), raportet e mediave ( te kontrolluara nga qeveria, shenim i im) dhe raportet e hetimeve antikorrupsion te qeverise shqiptare ( dmth raportet sekrete te Edi Rames te cilat nuk jane publikuar kurre ne Shqiperi shenim i im)
Kjo deshmon se vendimi i marre kundra meje dhe familjareve te mi bazohet ne shpifjet dhe trillimet e per qellime politike te kundershtareve te mi George Soros dhe Edi Rama. Ai eshte nje hakmarrje e tyre politike per mbrojtjen nga ana ime te interesit publik dhe kombetar te shqiptareve, denoncimin tim te dhunimit te zgjedhjeve nga Edi Rama, te lidhjeve te tij me krimin, kartelet e droges, pasurite e paligjshme dhe korrupsionin e tij.
Ai eshte nje hakmarrje per denoncimin tim publik te rolit te OSF ne vendosjen nen kontrollin e plote qeverise te rrjetit te NGO dhe se fundi te sistemit te drejtesise ne Shqiperi. Ne veçanti ky vendim eshte hakmarrje politike per kundershtimin tim te prere te ndryshimit te kufijve te Kosoves sipas projekti te Fondacionit te Shoqerise se Hapur ne Beograd.
Mungesa e plote e transparences ne kete vendim fakton katerciperisht se ky vendim eshte fund e krye politik dhe shenon nje abuzim te hapur me ligjin e kongresit te SHBA, perdorimin e tij si arme politike kunder kundershtareve te qeverise me te korruptuar te Europes dhe protektorit e mikut te ngushte te Edi Rames, multimiliardierit George Soros.
Por pavaresisht nga keto une nuk kam ngritur padi kunder vendimit hakmarres politik te shpalljes time nongrata eshte e drejte ekskluzive e Sekretarit Blinken te percaktoje se kush do hyje apo nuk mund te hyj ne vendin e tij. Por une kam ngritur padi kunder shpifjeve mbi te cilat bazohet ky vendim.
Karakterin e mirefillte politik te ketij vendimi e provon plotesisht edhe kerkesa publike e ambasadores se SHBA ne Tirane, Kim per mosfutjen time ne parlament duke mos patur asnje fakt, prove apo dokument per tju paraqitur shqiptareve perveç kercenimeve me dogmen e barit qe ka perdorur dikur diktatori Hoxha dhe e perdorin albanofobe antishqiptar.
Duke perfunduar, shpreh besimin tim te plote tek paanesia e gjykates dhe garantoj shqiptaret se mbi kete planet nuk ekziston njeri, institucion qe mund te disponoje nje prove, fakt, apo dokument te vetem qe te faktojne korrupsion domethenese me fondet publike te buxhetit apo cfaredolloj forme tjeter korrupsioni.
Ps pyetjet e gazetarve dhe pergjigjet e mia i keni ne videon e mesiperme.
Press release
My lawyer, Mr. Jean Yve Le Borgne, filed a lawsuit for defamation in the Correctional Court of Paris.
Following Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s decision to declare my wife, and my two children and me non-grata for significant corruption, based on misinformation from the vindictive corrupt lobbying of Edi Rama and his friend billionaire George Soros, I authorized my lawyer in France, Mr. Jean Yves Le Borgne, to file a defamation lawsuit in the Correctional Court of Paris. Last week the lawyer Jean Yve Le Borgne filed the lawsuit with this court. According to my lawyer, this defamation lawsuit in the courts is based on previous similar precedents and on the universal principle that there is no immunity for defamation because it does not enter into official functions. Therefore immunity in the case of slander cannot be used as a shield. The lawsuit is also based on the other universal principle to which defamation on the internet is punished wherever the news comes out, i.e., where the damage occurs. Of course, everything will depend on the interpretation of the judge in the case. On this occasion, I call on Secretary Blinken, for the sake of transparency, to send to this court every fact, document, and evidence that he or anyone else in the world has against Sali Berisha and his family.
On this occasion I would also like to inform you that:
First of all, today, after 77 years, this is the first time I have addressed a court, and I never imagined that I would file a lawsuit against the US Secretary of State – a country that I admire so much.
Secondly, with this lawsuit, I seek to protect my dignity, that of my family and all Albanians that I have represented with dignity during my long political career. So this lawsuit is a battle for human dignity, a sacred value for me and every free man.
Thirdly, with this lawsuit, I seek to make full transparency in front of the Albanians who in 30 years have voted me more than anyone else in this country. And in front of my many friends everywhere in the world. I want to prove to all of them that this decision is groundless and entirely political.
The political character of this decision is proved by the fact that since May 19, 2021, despite the request submitted in my letter to Secretary Blinken to make public every fact, evidence, or document he has – but also the demands of others – to date, not a single one has been presented for the sole reason that they do not exist.
On May 22, the State Department spokesman told an Albanian newspaper that the sources of information of Secretary Blinken’s decision were the reports from local, regional, and international NGOs (all sponsored by Soros). And media reports (controlled by the government) and the Albanian government’s anti-corruption investigation reports. This confidential report of Edi Rama’s government has never been published in Albania).
This proves that the decision against my family members and me is entirely based on the slanders and fabrications – for political purposes – of my opponents George Soros and Edi Rama. The decision is an act of revenge for my stands in defense of Albanians public and national interests, my denunciation of Edi Rama’s links to organized crime, drug cartels, violation of election, and corruption. And the denouncing of the role of OSF in putting the NGO’s network and the whole justice system under complete control of the former communist government in Albania. In particular for my opposition to the change of borders of Kosovo drafted by the Open Society Foundation in Belgrade. The complete lack of transparency in this decision proves fourfold that this decision is purely a political one and marks a clear abuse of the US Congress law. It demonstrates the clear cristal use of the law of the US Congress as a political weapon against opponents. Despite the above, I have filed a lawsuit not against the decision – as it is the exclusive right of Secretary Blinken – but against the defamation upon which this decision stands.
The genuine political character of this decision is also proved by the public request of the US Ambassador in Tirana Kim for banning my entry into the parliament without any evidence or document to present to Albanians other than the threats with “the grass” dogma used previously by the dictator Hoxha and currently used by albanophobes.
In conclusion, I have chosen the courtroom for transparency and dignity. I express my complete confidence in the court’s impartiality. I guarantee the Albanians that no person or institution on this planet can have a single piece of evidence, facts, or documents to prove corruption, with budget funds or any other form of it.
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