BERISHA/ Nje pyetje asgjesuese per kreun e Meduzes, Edvin Mafia!

BERISHA/ Nje pyetje asgjesuese per kreun e Meduzes, Edvin Mafia!


Nga Sali Berisha

Nje pyetje asgjesuese per kreun e Meduzes, Edvin Mafia!

Ftoj çdo shqiptar qe sonte ti shtroje kete pyetje Edvin Mafise, njeriut qe bllokon per te katerten here hapjen e negociatave!

Cilen nga 13 kushtet e Luksemburgut ke permbushur o Edvin Mafia keto 16 muaj??

Te dashur miq, ketu me poshte keni 13 kushtet e vendosura me dt 26 qershor 2018 nga ministrat e jashtem te Bashkimit Europian per hapjen e negociatave me Shqiperine ne fund te vitit 2019.

1-Rezultate te prekshme ne luften kunder korrupsionit ne te gjitha nevelet
2-Lufta kunder krimit te organizuar vecanerisht
3- Rezultate ne luften kunder kultivimit dhe trafikimit te drogave
4-Perparimin e metejshem ne procesit te vetingut te gjykatesve dhe prokuroreve
5- Perfundimin e dosjeve prioritare
6-Perfundimin e ngritjes se strukturave te pavarura te drejtesise ne perputhje me kushtetuten
7-Perfundimin e vendosjes se organeve te specializuara SPAK
8-BKH dhe
10-Fuqizimin e hetimeve aktive, ndjekjeve penale dhe denimeve perfundimtare ne luften kunder korrupsionit dhe krimit te organizuar duke perfshire nivelet e larta.
11-Rezultate konkrete ne veçanti ne shtetin ligjor
12-Zbatimi i rekomandimeve te OSBE ODHIR per zgjedhjet
13-Reduktimin e numrit te azilkerkuesve

As dhe nje te vetem!

ps: ketu me poshte keni deklaraten ne anglisht te ministrave te jashtem te BE e dt 26 qershor te vitit 2018.

Miq, pasi percakton detyrimin per plotesimin e ketyre 13 kushteve, deklarata e ministrave te jashtem te BE thote:
Keshilli rikujton se vendimi per hapjen e negociatave me Shqiperine do ti nenshtrohet perfundimit te procedurave kombetare parlamentare, pra miratimit nga parlamentet e vendeve antare dhe mbeshtetjes nga keshilli Europian dhe kjo me pas do do vijohet nga konferenca e pare nderqeveritare (akti simbolik i hapjes se negociatave ne varesi nga progresi i bere)

Pra, siç e shikoni, me Ramen nuk ka negociata!

Accordingly, the Council underlines the critical need for Albania to further consolidate progress made on judicial reform in particular through the vetting, and
-to deliver further tangible results in the fight against corruption at all levels and in the fight,
-against organised crime, in particular on the cultivation and trafficking of drugs, maintaining and deepening the current reform momentum. This includes:
– further advancing the process of re-evaluating judges and prosecutors, in particular completing all priority dossiers, and
-finalising the establishment of the independent judicial structures as foreseen by the Constitutional reform;
– finalising the establishment of specialised bodies, namely the Special Anti-Corruption and Organised Crime Structure (SPAK) and National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and Court;
– strengthening the track record of proactive investigations, prosecutions and final convictions in the fight against corruption and organised crime, including at high level.

To this effect, the Council calls on the Commission to monitor closely the above reform efforts by Albania and will assess progress on the basis of the yearly Commission report. The Council recalls that the decision to open accession negotiations with Albania will be subject to completion of national parliamentary procedures and endorsement by the European Council and will swiftly thereafter be followed by the first Intergovernmental Conference by the end of 2019, depending on progress made.
The Council underlines that this assessment of progress should include
further tangible and sustained results focusing in particular on the rule of law.
On elections, the Council attaches particular importance to Albania addressing the outstanding recommendations of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.
The Council also attaches particular importance to Albania’s continued efforts in reducing the number of manifestly unfounded asylum applications and also asks the Commission to ensure that this is taken into account.
The Council takes note of the intention of the Commission to begin the necessary preparatory work.

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