Pic shows: The furious wife holding the mistress by the hair
This is the moment a furious wife gets into a scuffle with her husbandís pretty young mistress and scolds her in public in front of dozens of people.
The womanís husband can be seen trying to stop his spouse from harming his secret lover, but he cannot prevent his furious wife from beating the alleged homewrecker.
The footage, from Hanzhong City in Chinaís north-western Shaanxi Province, shows a large crowd gathered around the two women, one of whom is gripping the otherís hair firmly in her hands.
The wife demands that the woman explain herself, pulling her around by her long locks. She even throws the young mistress to the ground.
The husband eventually arrives and tells his wife to "let go", adding: "This has nothing to do with her."
However, the wife does not loosen her grip and the husband is pulled away by other witnesses at the scene who apparently wanted to stop him from harming his spouse.
One woman can be heard telling the unfaithful husband: "Youíre in the wrong here."
The wife slaps the mistress across the face and appears to suggest it was not the first time she had caught her with her husband.
"Iíve told you before. Leave our family alone," she says.
It is unclear how exactly the wife caught her hubby in the act, but the clip ends with the woman finally letting go of the mistress and screaming: "Divorce me, then!"
"You can tell which one the wife is just by the fact that sheís not wearing any shoes - itís easier to fight that way," netizen ëWan Jipingfeichede Kugegeí wrote.
ëFengyuewujií added: "Just get divorced already. If fighting could solve anything weíd have world peace by now."
Një grua e zemëruar ka tërhequr zvarrë për flokësh të dashuren e bashkëshortit në rrugë.
Dhjetra njerëz u mblodhën për të parë sherrin.
“Unë ta kam thënë edhe më parë, lërë të qetë familjen time,”-i bërtisite gruaja të dashuriës së burrit, duke e goditur në fytyrë.
Video u kap nga një kalimtare në qytetin Hanzhong në Kinë.
Ndërsa burri tradhëtar përpiqet të ndërhyjë dhe i thotë bashkëshortes: “Mos e godit, nuk ka të bëjë fare me të. Lërë!”
Por një nga femrat në publik i kërkon atij të largohet duke e shtyrë.
Ndërsa vajza e kapur nga flokët përpiqet të shpëtojë nga duart e gruas së tërbuar.
Nuk dihet sesi ka përfunduar sherri midis dy femrave.
Aktori Bes Kallaku dhe këngëtarja Xhensila Myrtezaj prej sot janë zyrtarisht të divorcuar pas vendimit që mori Gjykata e Tiranës.
Kushtet e vendosura janë të...